Lights, Camera, Action!
Cherry announced one by one the finalists and winners of each category, with interludes from speakers representing the award that was being presented. Our time came when she announced The Croma Award for The Clinic Reception Team of The Year… “Highly Commended, Vie Aesthetics!”. We shot out of our seats with excitement, our Reception team really are incredible, we couldn’t have been more proud!
Tough Competition
Next up for us came The Get Harley Award for Medical Aesthetic Practitioner of The Year, our Medical Director Dr Ioannis Liakas had been shortlisted! She announced those commended, highly commended and winners but Dr Liakas was not mentioned. Although he is a true superstar, were not disheartened by this, our competition was amazing and we were just proud to be finalists!
The Final Award…
The final category we had been shortlisted in finally came around towards the end of the ceremony. The Intraline Award for Best Clinic in South England is a pretty big deal and we were up against some tough competition! Once again “Highly Commended, Vie Aesthetics!”. The neighbours next door in London Hill Medical must’ve heard us cheer with joy! The wait was over and we had been awarded in 2/3 of the categories we were shortlisted for! I don’t think the smile has left our faces since! We were proud to even be shortlisted in three different categories and to be placed up next to some legendary names was such an honour too!