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Brain fog


Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them

12-08-2022 | Posted in: Blogs, Uncategorised, Wellness & Lifestyle

Stress, irregular sleeping patterns, drugs, and other things can all contribute to the sensation of brain fog. It may lead to focus problems, memory problems, and confusion. In this Vie Aesthetic blog post, we will discuss the potential causes of brain dog and how to avoid them.

How is brain fog defined as such, is it a measurable ‘thing’?

What we call brain fog in the medical/psychological community is a long-term, poor “cognitive function”. Having emerged from the symptoms of long-covid, brain fog is the cognitive equivalent of feeling emotionally distressed – it’s almost the way the brain expresses sadness, beyond emotion” (Pariante, 2021) and covers everything from our memory, our attention, and our ability to problem-solve to our capacity to be creative. And given our isolation and inactivity, experts aren’t surprised that people are experiencing this more. Brain fog can be measured through the use of surveys and scales and compared to peers experiencing the same.  

Are women more likely to suffer than men?

Studies suggest that long-covid is more likely to affect women than men with a study conducted by the University of Glasgow finding that women who were under the age of 50 are 7x more likely to report fatigue and a lack of motivation than men. In addition, 70% of individuals that report the symptoms of long-covid are women aged between 40-60 years old. This suggests that either long-covid and brain fog tend to affect women more than men or that women are more likely to report it that men. Either way it is affecting a lot of people post-covid. 

Is it something which tends to fluctuate in degree of severity? What are the main causes of brain fog?

Scientists are unsure on the exact cause of brain for in individuals affected by brain fog; both in those who are experiencing it as a result of long-covid and those not.  In cases of individuals with long-covid, it could be one of three things: the SARS-CoV-2 virus is believed to attack specific cells in the brain called “astrocytes”, it can affect the brain by reducing blood flow to it and thereby reducing it functions or even killing them or it could be the result of our immune systems overreacting. In cases of individuals who are not experiencing long-covid, it may be that brain fog is mimicking symptoms of depression or anxiety. The consequence of chronic depression, anxiety and stress due to the pandemic can cause lack of sleep, poor diet, unregulated stress, and hormonal and biochemical imbalances – all of which result in the symptoms experienced by brain fog.  

Is it different depending on why you have it eg if you have brain fog because of the menopause will it feel the same as someone experiencing it because of long covid?

Brain fog no matter the cause is characterised as the same feelings of poor cognition i.e. memory loss, no motivation, confusion. The severity of the brain fog or the length of time experienced may vary depending on the cause however. For example it has long been documented that women going through perimenopause begin to experience brain fog due to their reduction of estrogen. This will continue and worsen as levels continue to drop and will not improve unless HRT is used to increase estrogen levels again. In this case, individuals may report worse symptoms of memory loss, although it cannot be measured objectively as even MRIs can only be taken as correlations.  

What are the main treatments for brain fog? / What can people do themselves at home to help lessen symptoms?

There are some things you can do to help manage your symptoms of brain fog and these are as follows:  

  • stay hydrated
  • get enough sleep 
  • take regular exercise, ideally outside 
  • eat a healthy, balanced diet 
  • keep to a healthy weight 
  • try meditation 
  • take regular breaks 
  • do things you enjoy – for example socialising with friends and family 
  • stick within low-risk alcohol drinking guidelines 
  • stop smoking if you smoke 

How long do they tend to take to work?

Everyone is different in their underlying cause and physiology therefore it is difficult to suggest when these methods could begin to reduce your feelings or symptoms of brain fog.  

Is there any way you can avoid it as a symptom?

Again try your best to follow the methods to reducing brain fog symptoms as these will improve your health generally and may help to avoid developing these symptoms. Leading a generally healthy life and doing activities to improve your circulation and oxygen intake are good ways to help this.  

Is it taken seriously in medical circles?

Whilst brain fog is not a medical term and instead used to describe a range of symptoms, it is widely accepted amongst the medical community as being a symptom of long-covid and is therefore taken seriously if/should a patient present them.  

Many people think they will be regarded as time wasters if they tell a doctor how they are feeling and think they should battle through but is there help?

Should you present with these feelings or symptoms there are 2 options you can take, either call your gp and let them know of your brain fog so that your long-covid can be recognised and methods for improvement can be decided upon with your gp’s advice. Secondly, you can tell your gp the symptoms you are experiencing, and they can put you in touch with the relevant IAPT/counselling/ psychological services should you be experiencing these symptoms and they are not a result of long-covid.   

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Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them
Brain Fog: Potential Causes & How To Avoid Them