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The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People

18-08-2022 | Posted in: Blogs, Face Treatments, Wellness & Lifestyle

Sharing cosmetic secrets on reality shows such as Love Island, as well as on social media can affect young people and give the wrong messages, pushing them to have cosmetic procedures, such as Anti Wrinkle, at a young age. Having these treatments early on due to peer pressure and the ‘selfie culture’ can be a problem for several reasons. In this blog post, we will talk through this.

Firstly, because it promotes a fake image like the frozen look and ‘sausage lips. Secondly, because it trivialises a medical treatment, encouraging young people to have treatments by non-medics. This means there is no screening for contradications like Body Dysmorphia, no regulation, no provision for dealing with complications and no quality assurance or accountability for the products being used. It is well known that there is a plethora of ‘fake’ and ‘low quality’ products available on the internet too. 

It is important to remember that ‘Anti Wrinkle’ is a medical prescription solution and should only be used in a medical setting. These treatments, if provided in a medical and regulated environment by experienced and well-trained medical practitioners, can help with several issues, from rejuvenating and correcting to preventing of deep lines and increasing confidence and self-esteem. 

Should young people have Anti Wrinkle Treatments?

Although Anti Wrinkle is thought of as the treatment of choice for middle-aged men and women concerned about fine lines and wrinkles, there is a noticeable increase in the number of the younger population seeking out injectables. There are some advantages of having Anti Wrinkle injections earlier on as opposed to later in life, as it prevents the formation of deep lines on the forehead, frown lines and crow’s feet.  Young people who are suffering with acne can also benefit from Micro-Anti Wrinkle injections to treat and control the oils in the skin.

With its muscle-relaxing properties, Anti Wrinkle is also used to treat migraines, teeth-grinding and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). It is worth noting that excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis) can be one of the contributing factors to social anxiety and stress in the workplace. Anti Wrinkle injections for hyperhidrosis have a double effect for not only reducing excessive sweating but also allowing individuals to feel more confident and socially active 

Another reason that may explain the increase in injectables among younger adults is the fact that it is shown to help people look and feel more relaxed. This is the reason why more and more young professionals (male and female) opt for injectables is the fact that the smoothing effect of Anti Wrinkle helps them to appear less worried, less tired or anxious and more efficient. This, in a highly competitive working environment, can make the difference between getting promoted or not- especially in the city of London. Anti Wrinkle can also help treat bruxism (teeth grinding). Teeth Grinding can cause headaches as well as deterioration of the teeth. Anti Wrinkle Injections in the masseters to treat this can help alleviate headaches and stop grinding of teeth during sleep. A bi-product of this is a more V-shaped face, once the masseters decrease in volume. This, in-turn, makes the face appear slimmer and more chiseled. 

Where's the best place to get Anti Wrinkle Treatments?

At Vie Aesthetics, we are regulated by CQC, and our policies help ensure that we check every client’s age, we screen our clients and educate them about the treatment complications, aftercare and realistic expectations and goals. We make sure that patients have a cooling down period following their consultation as well as offering complimentary follow-ups to check the results of the treatment and the effects this has had on our clients. This is a process that all medical clinics follow. We would advise any young person who is considering having Anti Wrinkle or Fillers to visit a medical establishment and have a chat with a Medical Professional to ensure they are in safe hands.  

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The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People
The Effects Of Anti Wrinkle Injections On Young People