“Peach fuzz” getting you down? It's time to let it GO…
Unwanted facial hair for women is a common condition, and inevitably, it can prove very sensitive for anyone suffering from it, even if it is in fact, far less visible to everyone else.
We each produce three different types of hair on the face and body – hormonal, terminal and vellus hairs. The latter, vellus hairs, are better known by its cute-sounding term, “peach fuzz”. Except, for some people, its appearance may not always seem so cute.
Vellus hairs – or peach fuzz – are the soft, fine, downy hairs that we have all over our skin, generally on the outer layer. They are lightly coloured and, in some cases, even translucent. They exist to protect the skin. However, if you suffer from what you feel is excessive peach fuzz, it can easily knock your self-esteem, especially in this age of unforgiving, hi-tech camera phones and Instagram.
Indeed, we meet patients who are self-conscious of their picture being taken, or of standing in the sun in case their “fuzz” is highlighted, making the problem seems worse than it is. Well, if that sounds like you, we hear you loud and clear. It’s far from uncommon. In fact, nobody is safe from peach fuzz – even A-list celebrities! But at least you can do something about it.