“I found overall my mood was better on a day-to-day basis,” she said. “I had less problems with depression.”
This is what Army veteran Vivian Cooke, who has long struggled with debilitating depression told CBS NEWS about the effect of Anti Wrinkle injections on her. With the title: “[Anti Wrinkle] tested to help treat depression and social anxiety” , the article talks about her experience of alternative therapies and medication to cope with her symptoms. “It wasn’t effective. Some side effects would be headaches or stomachache,” she told CBS News about a number of therapies she tried, whilst, on the other hand , she tells them about her experience of significant improvement with Anti Wrinkle injections.
I was not surprised, to be honest, when I read the above headline this morning. That’s because in my years of professional and personal experience with Medical Aesthetic treatments, I have come to believe that muscle relaxant injections with Anti Wrinkle make you not just look but also feel relaxed. I have had this reinforced time and time again by our patients who tell me that they feel more positive, more relaxed, even happier because of the treatment – and I have had my own views and explanations of this.