Product Information
Benefits of using the Acne Management Skin Prep Kit at home:
- It will optimise your results
- It will ensure even penetration
- It will reduce risk of adverse reaction or PIHP
- It will encourage cell turnover
- It will start to treat problem
- It introduces the skin to quality result-lead ingredients
How To Apply
Please see individual products for details.
Active Ingredients:
Purifying Mousse
Chlorehexidine inhibits the growth or micro-organisms. Urea calms, hydrates and softens the skin.
Acne One
m.acne complex™ containing synergistic ingredients; Salicylic Acid, Mandelic Acid, Sodium Lepargilate, Shikimic Acid. A comprehensive renovation of acneic and oily skins.
Collagen 360 Essence
Chronosmart peptide promotes self- protection by day and repair and renew by night. Nicotinamide is a powerful anti-oxidant to protect, repair and unify the skin. Hydroxyprolisilane activates production of collagen and elastin, increases cell proliferation and improves repair processes and wound healing.
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